so for this entry, i'll update from my day 0 to my day 3 because i need to finish this NZ story asap! I'm too busy with work-business-personal stuff this month, hence the delay! haha so much excuse! so on 13th november, lepas balik kerja, Titin and I dah packed all of our stuff then terus shoot ke KLIA untuk check in & depart pukul 11pm. So kami pon makan, tido, tengok movie, repeat selama 10 hours sampai lah sampai Auckland, New Zealand.
Auckland is one of the city kat North Island, NZ, bagi aku, takde ape sangat nak tengok pon kt Auckland ni, kalau nak spend sehari dua tu ok la. So after touch down, check in to our hotel at the heart of the city, Auckland CBD - Barclay Suites, then weols go sightseeing sekitar2 Auckland. We went to Auckland Tower, and there are plenty of halal restaurants in front of the tower. We dined at Taj Mahal (halal indian food) and it was very good! roti naan dia sedap, mungkin juga sebab kami memang tengah lapar..hehe.
Then we went to their Viaduct Basin, kat situ ada banyak fancy cruise and yatch.
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Penat katenye, nak sleep haha |
Then weols pun balik bilik and rest.
So after breakfast, packing and check out, we called taxi and pergi ke area Papakura sebab Shaz nak jumpa his business friend and talk about business. So we went to the yard kat sana, Shaz masuk meeting kejap, then the taxi driver macam tak advice kami untuk ikut sekali memandangkan Papakura ni kire black area di NZ. So he asked us to stay at the car. Tapi memandangkan Iols boring gile lama tunggu dalam kereta, Ayden and I pun pergi sightseeing kat park depan yard tu. The view was beautiful and I did get to take a few nice pic of Ayden sampai lah Shaz datang sambil geleng2 kepala saying "apela yang cantik sangat amek gambar dengan rumput?". I was like "see these photos? cantik kan rumput2 ni?"
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cuti-cuti pon kene kerja ke daddy? |
So Shaz pon mengakuinya and take our photo lak before heading to the airport at Auckland.
Then we check in our luggage and waited for our flight. Journey dari Auckland ke Queenstown mengambil masa dalam 2 jam, but tak terasa lama pun sebab Ayden sleep throughout the flight and the from above is AMAZING! like call me Jakun, but i dont care..hahahhaa
Arrive Queenstown!
After touch down, weols collect our bags after lepas dengan cemerlang kat immigration sebab flight kami from Auckland, so takde lagi dah nak check2 our luggage. We waited our shuttle bus to Apex Car Rental tuk pick up our car.
Dah dapat kereta, kami pun terus pergi ke Pak'N Save untuk beli groceries and barang2 keperluan yang lain. Pengalaman dari travel lepas banyak ajar kami, iaitu just beli pampers and barang2 yang space consuming kat tempat dituju je sebab letih nak bawak barang banyak2.
Done shopping, we headed to our 1st destination = Te Anau!
On the route to Te Anau from Queenstown! memang cantik gile permandangan sini! tapi kami tak berhenti sebab sibuk nak kejar masa takut sampai dah gelap. Perjalanan dari Queenstown ke Te Anau take around 2 hours drive.
View sepanjang perjalanan
Sesampainya kat Queenstown, Ayden masa ni tengah syok tido, jadi kami punye dapat lah ambil gambar berdua sweet2 before heading to our hotel
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Kasi chan la kan..hehee |
Iols dah review hotel ni kat 1st entry cite sal NZ, kalau nak tahu lebih boleh refer sana. So pas dah unpack dan buat ape yang patut, iols sebagai Mak2 terus pegang pisau periuk untuk cook our diner. Iols masak ikan goreng, sambal petai udang guna Sambal Gila Betty (it was super hot gais! taste-wise sedap! boleh lah cuba kalau nak instant sambal tinggal masuk binatang je, Easy!), telur dadar and veggies makan dengan nasi panas.
Pas dinner, mandi and solat, teruslah masuk tido sebab kat luar pun sunyi je takde life, baik tido awal, esok leh explore awal2 pagi..hehe
next day, Iols pon dah excited bangun pagi, tapi keciwa sebab cuaca agak mendung/hujan gerimis :( plan harini nak ke Milford Sound dan mengharapkan cuaca seindah suria mentari..sobs..Sebab masih awal lagi and sementara nak tunggu both my boys siap2, iols pun take time tuk bersiar2 kat depan hotel ni - Lake Te Anau. Cantik! feeling dia macam aman damai je.
So after semua dah siap, and aku pon dah siap-siapkan lunch box untuk kami makan dalam kereta, kami pon check out and teruskan perjalanan ke Milford Sound.
Views en-route to Milford Sound.
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Mirror Lake yang tak berapa nak mirror sgt |
Iols berhenti gak kat Mirror Lake ni, patutnya mmg nampak jernih sampai gunung-gunung tu terpantul kat sungai tu (refer gambar), tapi masa iols pegi gerimis mengundang, so camni lah..huhu..tapi takpelah, janji sudah sampai.
We took Juice Ferry ride for $55 per person, Ayden lak kategori bawah 5 tahun free je (maklumat lanjut leh refer: memandangkan hujan, so permandangan agak foggy, tapi cantik sebab ada banyak waterfall masa hujan.

view from ferry.
Ingatkan ada la sedia makan2 ke ape dalam ferry ni, tapi non-hado. Jadinya, pas balik dari naik ferry terus semua kebulur, habis lunch box kami.
Kami pun terus headed to Queenstown tuk stay for 2 nights kat Oak Shore Hotel. Sampai hotel dah magrib, cuaca pun hujan, jadi aku pun siap2 masak dinner and weols just relax kt hotel je (such an old folk kan! ahha) kami enjoy chill2 kat sebelah fireplace ni je sebab cuaca boleh tahan sejuk.
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